Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida

Sign Ordinance Workshop

April 19, 2016

4:30 p.m.


Present:               Brenda A. Holt, Chair, District 4

                                Eric Hinson, Vice Chair, District 1

                                Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, District 2

                                Gene Morgan, District 3

                                Sherrie Taylor, District 5

                                Nicholas Thomas, Clerk of Court

                                Robert Presnell, County Administrator

                                David Weiss, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk



  Chair Holt called the workshop to order at 4:39 p.m.





Presentation of Current County Sign Regulation

  Allara Mills-Gutcher, Planning & Community Development Director, appeared and gave a brief history of the Current County Sign Regulation and added it had not been updated since 2003.


Commissioner Morgan appeared at this juncture of the meeting.


She said they would like to adopt the FDOT Sign Regulation.


Commissioner Viegbesie asked which standard the municipalities used and Allara said she could not testify to that.


Chair Holt asked if there were 5 businesses next to each other and they all wanted to put up[ signs, would they be able to?  Allara said each could, would just have to meet set-backs from road.


V asked if difference between electronic signs


Morgan said this was first adopted in 2001 and updated in 2003, asked if would be reasonable to update to bring current-Allara-yes.


V asked when comes to interstate, was there difference in size



Staff Recommendation for Improvements to the Regulation



Questions and Comments





Mike Dorian, 145 Alligator Run, Quincy-representing Gadsden United, Sign Code, appeared before the Board.


Was under the impression only under state sign codes and asked in future consideration, why sign written in first place-who would be hurt?  Hours of thought and creation went into


Commissioner Hinson appeared at this juncture of the meeting.


Need no more signs on Highway 27, maybe on I-10-ask if construction of sign would help or hinder citizens.


Asked they not move fast-good code.



Randy Ross, 2660 Frank Smith Road, Tallavana Christian & Community Church, Signage change-


found out definition of animated signs was prohibited where they were located and hoped would be changed.


Not looking for billboard, just want to be able to post information that would interest neighborhoods



Charles Morris, 23201 Blue Star Highway, Quincy, FL-appeared before Board-agreed with Pastor Ross but did not disagree with Mr. Dorian.


Couple of recommendations-recommended FDOT standard be accepted for County-was on Highway 90


Would like to see moved into 21st Century-recommended strike subsection 5704 on basis of antiquity



 Dr. William Neal, Jr., 437 Hitson Lane, Quincy-appeared before Board-speaking as business man tonight-of something benefitting business more than customers, need to be changes made.


Commissioner Hinson said he appreciated everyone’s position-mentioned changes in schools and said they now needed to market themselves to keep students in county.  Need to move Gadsden County forward.


Commissioner Viegbesie asked if they were to look at any modification of ordinance-action has to go back to P&Z-yes.  Recommendation has to come from P&Z-suggested to give to P&Z and let them have discussion regarding this and it come back to the Board.


Holt said 2 things-sat on TDC-advertised on electronic board in Tallahassee because could not advertise in Gadsden County but nothing to direct people to Gadsden County.


Tourists come and don’t have to spend money on them, no heathcare, etc.


Had to send 3 companies to City because could not accommodate their needs.


Have to work together as a community. 


V said different perceptions suggested to Manager to present this back to Planning and have them look at it and update it and it come back as an agendaed item.


Presnell said with what he heard today, will refer back to P&Z to look at entire not just animated signs.


Morgan suggested having a complete separate ordinance for signs-define billboards vs. signs.  Weiss said could look at different alternatives.


Pastor Morris asked if timetable-maybe the May P&Z-will be advertised



Meeting adjourned 5:30 p.m.